Want a bold new style that is low commitment? If you’re all out of cut and hair color ideas, we have got just the thing. Dip dye hair is fun, fresh, and totally easy to DIY! It is similar to ombre but this time it’s all about adding a splash of bright to light or dark hair. Check out a few pictures of color dipped hair to find your next look.
The hardest part of dip dyeing hair at home is choosing the color. For no commitment, dip dye hair as it is. Blondes can choose any color but brunettes will need to opt for something darker than the current color like a red, blue, or purple. If you are going to bleach hair first, the entire rainbow is open to you. Look for brands like Manic Panic and Punky Color for easy to apply dye in a wide range of hues.
Coloring hair is simple. First, divide hair into 4 sections, or more for thick hair. You want manageable amount to work with at once. To create a blended effect instead of a harsh line, use a brush to apply color with the greatest concentration at the tips and just a small amount where you want the transition. Aim to paint the dye on about the same amount on each strand of hair and the color will follow the shape of your cut. The same process works for bleaching, if you’re doing that, and applying dye. Cover in tin foil and wait for as long as the directions indicate and rinse hair.
Making the most of bright hair color means keeping shampooing to a minimum (use dry shampoo if you need it) and color saving conditioner. The dip dye still looks fab as it fades so no worries there.
Gorgeous aquamarine tips fade into silver blonde for the ultimate mermaid hair. Highlights around the face add color when hair is worn down as well as to a lovely half up fishtail braid.
Color-dipped hair can be any length! Here a chin length bob of white hair features surprise lavender tips for a fun finish.
For something extra dramatic, color the hair at the edges of the face as well. This bold color beautifully follows the lines of V-cut hair.
This is a tougher one to do yourself but rainbow hair is worth a salon visit. Here just the ends are dyed to minimize hair damage but maintain the effect. Multiple color hair looks great worn down as well as in updos. Love the hint of color around the face too.